In Bangladesh, Deblin plans to build upon existing storage and bottling facilities just near Mongla port. To do this, current throughput must be scaled for economic viability. The costs to develop and expand the existing equipment at Mongla including roads to and from the port, loading arms, and the acquisition and modernization of an LPG bottling facility and its delivery program.
The main constraint to LPG importing in Bangladesh is the lack of storage. We can swiftly overcome that challenge by acquiring a small vessel to serve as an FSRU (floating storage and regasification unit) that product will be pumped onto when product arrives. Improvements to the jetty to secure the FSRU are also a significant portion of the anticipated expenses. By acquiring an FSRU, we are sustainably and immediately increasing the local storage capability while we wait for additional permanent storage to be built.
The demand for LPG in Bangladesh is not being met. As rapid development continues, the need for LPG as a modern convenience to fuel this growth efficiently is acute. Deblin’s plan, initially constrained by the limits of the existing infrastructure, still meets only a fraction of the projected demand even at full capacity, allowing us to sell the product as a premium commodity.